We are FREEDOM FIGHTERS and we invite YOU to join us!

The mission of Freedom Initiative International is to show the love of Christ and share the Gospel to the most at risk demographic groups through education and provision of basic needs.

Who are we?
Freedom Initiative International (FII) came into being in 2018, born from the calling that Tyson and Carrie Long received to become international missionaries. With their three sons by their side, they embarked on a journey to utilize their faith, knowledge, and skills in service of Guatemala's vulnerable and impoverished communities.

In Guatemala, many families endure deplorable living conditions and struggle to access even basic necessities like food and water. FII's mission includes the installation of rocket stoves, which not only greatly enhances the health and well-being of these families but also offers an avenue to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Since its inception, FII has successfully installed over 500 stoves, distributed around 40,000 pounds of food, and initiated youth and life groups that have led to the spiritual transformation of several members.

Our core values revolve around education, empowerment, and freedom.

Become a Freedom Partner
You may not be able to be in Guatemala with us, but we can't be in Guatemala without you. Your love, prayers and support are vital. To support FREEDOM, simply click the button below to sow your tax deductible gift today.