We are FREEDOM FIGHTERS and we invite YOU to join us!

FII's mission is to equip and serve children in developing countries
 around the world, while sharing the love Christ.

The Long Crew
We are the Long Crew! In 2017, our family began the most exciting God-led adventure to date! When we moved to Guatemala, we didn't know the language, nor the culture, but we knew God said, "Go"!  Since that time, we have settled into an incredible flow and have seen countless miracles at the hand of God. We have delivered an unfathomable amount of food and basic necessities into rural villages, installed over 100 stoves to improve the respitory health of generations to come, assisted other ministries in miscelaneous needs, and more, all while sharing the Love of Jesus Christ. There is more to come. A LOT more. We.are.FREEDOM.FIGHTERS. Will you join us? Follow our blog for updates and ispiration.

Become a Freedom Partner
You may not be able to be in Guatemala with us, but we can't be in Guatemala without you. Your love, prayers and support are vital. To support FREEDOM, simply click the button below to sow your tax deductible gift today.