A Week of Blessings: Cornerstone Church Anahuac's Journey in Guatemala
Hey there, Freedom Family! We're excited to share with you an incredible week we had with our first team from Cornerstone Church Anahuac, right here in beautiful Guatemala. It's been a week filled with heartwarming moments, community outreach, and the kind of experiences that remind us of the power of faith, love and freedom.

Stove Installation - Bringing Warmth to Homes and Hearts
One of the highlights of the week was our stove installation project. We had the privilege of installing 18 Rocket Stoves, which marked the completion of a village-wide effort to provide 300 families with these essential tools. These stoves not only bring warmth to homes but also reduce the health implications of cooking with open fire, reduce the use of natural resources and give us an opportunity to build relationships with the families. Special thanks to Karen Tyler and The Stove Partnership for allowing us to be the boots on the ground over the years!

Sharing the Word - Bibles and Blessings
As part of our ministry's mission to share the Gospel, we distributed 20 Bibles. The gift of God's Word is truly precious, and we hope it brings guidance, comfort, and hope to those who received them. In addition to the Bibles, we also provided 10 care packages for pregnant women, ensuring that both mothers and their unborn children receive the care and support they deserve. These Bibles and care packages were donated to our ministry by Power at Work. Thank you, Anthony!

Families First - Food Bags for the Community
Our team had the privilege of working alongside Provee, a dear ministry up the road from us. We broke up into smaller teams and met with 50 incredible families. Each family received a food bag, which contained wholesome and nourishing food items and each family was prayed with. It's essential for us to not only feed the body but also the soul. By sharing these meals, we hope to strengthen the bonds of community and show our love and support for our Guatemalan neighbors.

A Sip of Solidarity - Visiting Chica Bean
During our week of ministry in Guatemala, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit Chica Bean, a remarkable organization that plays a vital role in our mission. Chica Bean provides the fresh-roasted, single-origin Freedom Coffee that we proudly sell to support both our ministry and the incredible women of Guatemala. As we toured their facilities and met the passionate individuals behind Chica Bean, we were deeply moved by the impact this partnership has on the lives of these women. It's not just about coffee; it's about empowerment and economic independence. With every cup of Freedom Coffee enjoyed, we know that we are contributing to positive change, not only in our ministry but also in the hearts and homes of the women of Guatemala. It's a reminder that the bonds of solidarity and the love of Christ transcend borders and cultures, uniting us in a shared mission of hope and freedom. To purchase your Freedom Coffee please visit HERE.

Experiencing Faith and Nature
During their stay, our team from Cornerstone Church Anahuac got a taste of faith and nature in Guatemala. They attended a local church service, experiencing the vibrant spirituality of the community here. And, to add a touch of adventure to their journey, they visited the volcanic sand beach in Hawaii Monterrico via the local ferry, where they witnessed the natural beauty of this incredible country.

This week has been a powerful testament to the impact of faith-based missions and the love of Christ. We are grateful to Cornerstone Church Anahuac for their dedication and support in our mission to bring education and basic needs to the most at-risk demographic groups in Guatemala. To enjoy an overview of the week in pictures click HERE.

As we continue our journey towards the future vision of the Freedom Center, we know that every small act of kindness and every moment of sharing the Gospel brings us one step closer to our goal of education, empowerment, and freedom.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. Stay tuned for more updates on our mission and the amazing work that God is doing in the lives of those we serve.

In His love,
Tyson & Carrie Long
Freedom Initiative International

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